Each of our three centres have a relaxing, home-like atmosphere
Ngwala has a range of recovery centres dependent on specific individuals’ needs and the support they require. We recognise that people seek help for different reasons and programs need to be person-centred, which is why we have a variety of programs and services to meet these needs. Clients also have access to a clinical psychologist, trained counsellors and are required to participate in a range of culturally relevant self-help and self-development programs and activities each day.
Our clients are encouraged to stay a minimum of 12 weeks for Winja Ulupna and 15 weeks for Yitjawudik and Galiamble. This is to allow clients time to understand their alcohol or substance abuse problem and to develop the skills and strategies needed to remain drug and alcohol free.

Support plans are tailored to each client and ensure all needs are supported

Ngwala has a suite of program to supports our Recovery centres. We offer follow up support so clients are not alone in their recovery journey when they leave our Centres.

Winja Ulupna Women’s Recovery Centre
Winja Ulupna is the Yorta Yorta word for ‘Women’s Haven’
Winja Ulupna is a 24-hour residential alcohol rehabilitation centre for Koori women who suffer from alcoholism or a drug dependency problem. The facility can take up to eight clients at a time and accepts women over 18 years of age.
Unfortunatelly Winja Ulupna does not have the facilities to cater for children.
Professional tutors and qualified counsellors run the following programs:
- Parenting Skills
- Women’s Health & Nutrition
- Abuse & Group Therapy
- Self Esteem & Anger Management
- Family & Domestic Violence
- Alcoholics & Narcotics Anonymous Meetings Individual & Group Counselling
- Relapse Prevention
- Computer skills
- Art
Yitjawudik Men’s Recovery Centre
Yitjawudik is a Yorta Yorta word meaning ‘to cure’
Yitjawudik is a 24-hour residential rehabilitation centre for Aboriginal men over the age of 18 years who suffer from alcohol and/or drug dependency problems*. Located in Mooroopna in Central Victoria on a 68-acre property, Yitjawudik provides a statewide catchment accommodating up to eight clients at a time.
Our Centre embraces a combination of culturally relevant holistic AOD treatment approaches complimented with elements of the AA/NA Twelve Step abstinence model.
The 16-week recovery program includes individual and group activities including:
- Relapse Prevention
- Narrative Therapy
- Self Esteem & Anger Management
- Family & Domestic Violence
- Cultural Awareness – history, site visits
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Alcoholics & Narcotics Anonymous Meetings Life Skills
- Individual & Group Counselling
- Computer skills
- Art Therapy
- Tune In Group
- Recreation Activities
* – All referrals are screened and assessed by the Ngwala Willumbong Aboriginal Corporation Clinical Services Unit and are required to complete a seven day placement in an Adult Residential Withdrawal Service (detox) or supply two clear supervised urine screen results prior to admission.
Galiamble Men’s Recovery Centre
Galiamble Men’s Recovery Centre is a 24-hour residential alcohol and rehabilitation centre for men located in St Kilda. It offers a 15 week highly structured residential program in a calm and supportive environment, giving an opportunity for up to 16 clients at one time to live a life free of substances.
All our recovery programs are based on the Twelve Step abstinence model and embrace a holistic treatment approach that recognises the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of Aboriginal people.
Trained staff facilitate programs consisting of:
- Intense Case Management
- Cultural Programs
- Exercise Programs
- Health Programs
- Alcoholics & Narcotics Anonymous Meetings
- Self Esteem & Anger Management
- Family & Domestic Violence
- Individual & Group Counselling
- Relapse Prevention
- Computer skills
- Art & Leather work
- Men’s Talking Circle
Reaching out for help is the first step
If you are in need of Ngwala’s help, please download and fill the below forms for admission.